Belly Fat Cure FAQs > Basics > What is the difference between The Belly Fat Cure™ and Atkins?

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Both The Belly Fat Cure™ and Atkins focus on carbohydrates to limit insulin production, but the similarities stop there. Unlike Atkins (or South Beach) there are no phases to the Belly Fat Cure™. This program is simply about making smarter choices from the beginning and sticking to it. Here are a few other major distinctions that make The Belly Fat Cure™ a more healthful, more effective weight-loss program:


No ketosis. The main goal of Atkins is to induce ketosis, which is a state the body enters when it is severely restricted of carbohydrates from all sources. Dieters following Atkins often buy strips that they urinate on to test for ketosis, but you won’t ever be doing that on the Belly Fat Cure™. Rather than attempting to induce ketosis, we focus on obtaining carbs from the most healthful and easily absorbable sources.


No dangerous artificial sweeteners. Atkins relies heavily on the use of artificial sweeteners like sucralose, while the Belly Fat Cure™ eliminates this and all other unnatural and potentially harmful chemicals from your diet.


“No carbs” vs. 15/6™. Atkins discourages eating carbs of any kind without distinction of type or source of carb. On the Belly Fat Cure™, I encourage you to eat carbs that come from ideal, nutrient-rich sources totaling 6 servings daily.


FLORA. The final critical element that the Atkins diet neglects to correct is the problem that causes most low-carb dieters to fail: constipation. Most people have damaged or missing gut flora, which are absolutely vital to digestion, but treat only the symptoms of the problem with excessive fiber. Without repairing flora, the transition to an ideal lifestyle free of grains and fiber supplements can be frustrating or downright impossible.